Monday, October 1, 2012

Ninth Grade Advisory October 1, 2012 Agenda

October 1, 2012 - October 5, 2012
Agenda for 9th Grade Advisory

Monday, October 1st:
Read page 47 - 48 in DAYBREAK: Critical Reading and Writing
"Your Name is Sometimes an Ancestor Saying 'Hi'" by Alice Walker

Tuesday, October 2nd:
Write about someone who has had an enormous impact on your life, either someone you know or some one from history who you respect and admire.

Wednesday, October 3rd:
Go over math assignment answers:
Geometry: Segment Addition Postulate and Midpoint
Algebra 1: Advanced Equations: Variations on Both Sides
Algebra 2: Advanced Equations: Variations on Both Sides

Thursday, October 4th:
DAYBREAK: Critical Reading and Writing
Pages 198 - 199; "My Father After Work"
Write a brief paragraph describing a moment that you see when you think of your father or mother or someone who cares for you. Following the format of the poem write your own poem about your loved one.

Friday, October 5th:
Finish the poem.  Draw a picture of that loved one, if you like.

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