Sunday, November 30, 2008


Monday, December 1st:
Finish up your poem based on “My Father After Work”. Write your own three stanza poem about someone in your family and for each stanza draw and color a symbol for that moment.
Tuesday, December 2nd:
Shortened day!
DAYBREAK: pages 160 - 161: excerpt from ALWAYS RUNNING. Write your impressions of Luis and Rano. Why do they behave the way they do? How would the story be different if told from Rano’s perspective?
Wednesday, December 3rd:
DAYBREAK: pages 162 - 163; excerpt from ALWAYS RUNNING. Write down the words or phrases that show Luis is sympathetic towards Rano.
Thursday, December 4th:
DAYBREAK; pages 164 - 166; excerpt from ALWAYS RUNNING. Read the poem and do a thought cluster of your impression of Rano. How does your impression of Rano change since reading the poem?
Friday, December 5th:
DAYBREAK: pages 167 - 168; excerpt from ALWAYS RUNNING. Work on the 
“Comparing the Genres” graph comparing the impression of Rano in the prose with the impression of Rano in the poem. Write your own poem about Rano based on your impression of him in the prose piece on pages 162 - 163.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Monday, November 24th:
DAYBREAK; pages 82 - 85: Using sensory details, write a poem about something important to you: friendship, love, music, family.

Tuesday, November 25th:
Shortened day!
DAYBREAK; pages 198 - 199; “My Father After Work”. Write a brief paragraph describing a moment that you see when you think of your mom or dad or someone who cares about you. That moment could be when your mom comes in through the door every night from work, or the image of your mother cooking dinner. Write a paragraph describing that moment. Draw a picture of that moment if you want. Then following the format of the poem, “My Father After Work” write your own poem about your mom or dad.

Wednesday, November 26th:
Continue working on the poem.

Happy Thanksgiving! See you on Monday, December 1st.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Monday, November 17th:
Journal: Have you ever felt different from others? What made you feel different? Was that an unpleasant or pleasant feeling? If it were unpleasant, what did you do to make yourself feel better. Do you know someone who is perceived as different? How are they treated by others? What did you or can do to make that person feel accepted?

Tuesday, November 18th:
Shortened Day!
DAYBREAK: page 198-199; “My Father After Work”; poem by Gary Gildner;

Wednesday, November 19th:
Work on DAYBREAK; page 199; “My Father After Work”

Thursday, November 20th:
DAYBREAK; pages 80-85; “Thumbprint”; poem by Eve Merriam
Draw an outline of your hand and write inside the outline of your hand words that represent important things to you; for example: dance, music, Beyounce (or whoever), home, the names of your friends or symbols that represent your friends, the name of your girlfriend, etc. You can also draw pictures or symbols of these things that are important to you. Fill up the space inside the outline of your hand.

Friday, November 21st:
DAYBREAK; pages 82 - 85; Using sensory detail write a poem about something that is important to you: friendship; love; music, performing; home, etc.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

9th Grade Advisory
November 10th - November 14th

Monday, November 10th:
Watch Johnny Depp interview on Actor’s Studio.
Tuesday, November 11th:
No school today in observance of Veterans’ Day.
Wednesday, November 12th:
Movie Day! Edward Scissorshands!
Thursday, November 13th:
Movie Day!
Friday, November 14th:
Finish the movie!
Have you ever felt different from others? What made you feel different? Was that a pleasant or unpleasant feeling? If it was unpleasant what did you do to make yourself feel better? Do you know someone who is perceived as different? How is that person treated by others? What did you do or can do to make that person feel accepted?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

November 3rd - 7th
Weekly Schedule
for 9th Grade

Monday, November 3rd:

Draw a personal map of your life, starting from day one of your life - your birth. Then place on your map the significant events of your life: it can be the birth of a younger sister or brother, the death or divorce of someone important to you. Definitely put the first day of school - that’s a milestone! You might also want to include the first day of middle school, graduation from middle school, your first day at high school, your first kiss, your first date. Continue to the present time. You don’t have to show it to anyone if you don’t want to.

Tuesday, November 4th:

Shortened day!

Continue working on your map.

Wednesday, November 5th:

After you are satisfied with the life map, write down responses to the three most significant moments of your life. Why are they important to you? How did the events change you? What did you learn about yourself from these experiences? You do not have to share with another if you do not wish to.

Thursday, November 6th:

Draw a map of the future you foresee for yourself. Include milestones: graduating from high school, going off to college, beginning a career, etc. What path do you foresee for yourself. Your path may be different from others. What do you have to do now to achieve your goals? Share with another student.

Friday, November 7th:
Write a journal entry of where you want to be ten years from now. Write five concrete steps you have to take, starting today, to achieve those goals!