Friday, February 27, 2009

Monday, March 2nd:
Go over math handout "2-28 Times Change".

Tuesday, March 3rd:
Word Search

Wednesday, March 4th:
Math handout "5-9 Parentheses, Please"

Thursday, March 5th:
Math handout "5-10 Numbers in Boxes"

Friday, March 6th:
Math handout "5-17 Not Quite Right"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Monday, February 23rd:

Please be sure to get to class on time. Be sure to take care of personal issues before the bell rings: going to the rest room, getting water, getting supplies from your locker, or getting an absence cleared with the magnet office.

Please do not enter the class yelling or screaming or talking in a loud voice.

Please remain seated. No dancing or running around in class.

Please throw away your trash.

Every day this week we will be working on our math skills so that we can do well on the CST and save our magnet.

Today we will be working on a decimal crossword puzzle.
Be sure to turn in your work to get credit in this class.

Tuesday, February 24th:

Shortened day.

Word Search

Wednesday, February 25th:

Math Handout: Decimals

Thursday, February 26th:

Math Handout: Converting Decimals to Percentages

Friday, February 27th:

Math Handout: Adding Decimals

Completing and turning in the handouts will determine the grade you will receive in the class.