Starting this week, the math couch, Mr. Worch, will meet with us and two other classes in 503 to review math test taking strategies. On Wednesday, two other classes will join us, and on Thursday and Friday two more classes will join us. Next week we will incorporate Mr. Kiesler’s “Math Jeopardy”. We will also have Ms. Cavalli, our English couch, to help us the next week in English.
Monday, October 12th:
Mr. Worch, the math couch, will meet with us, and the classes of Ms. Tabarra, and Mr. Sele in room 503 to review math test taking strategies.
No advisory on Tuesday shortened days.
Wednesday, October 14th:
Vocabulary word skills
Same as Monday with two different teachers present with their classes. I will give selected students packets of vocabulary and books to read to bolster their English skills.
Thursday, October 15th:
Same as Monday and Wednesday.
Friday, October 16th:
Same as the before.
Your grade in Advisory is predicated on doing the given work; being cooperative, polite and respectful to everyone in the class.
Breaking of class rules such as: eating, screaming, cursing, rudeness, bullying, not working, profanity or sexually inappropriate behavior will result in a lower grade.