September 29th - October 3rd
Weekly Schedule
9th Advisory
Monday, September 29th:
Finish presenting “Right Path/Wrong Path”: Ruby, Tayllor and Vanessa. Discussion.
Pass out the handout: “Responsibility: Personal and Group Responsibility”
Tuesday, September 30th:
Roshashana. No school day!
Wednesday, October 1st:
Break into small groups and discuss:
1. What is the difference between group and personal responsibility?
2. How can your personal actions impact other people?
3. How can you affect the behavior of others when you are out with a group?
Answer the questions in the “Responsibility” handout.
Thursday, October 2nd:
“Be Responsible”
Answer the following questions and then break into pairs and discuss your answers; then we will discuss the topic as a class.
“I act responsibly when I ________________.”
“I can help set a good example to others in my grade by________________.”
“Here’s a way I can work on becoming more responsible_______________.”
Friday, October 3rd:
“Complaining is for Cowards”
Give an example of looking for the positive in a tough situation.
Sometimes it’s easy to complain when_________________.”
Hanging around someone who complains a lot makes me feel _____________.”
“Keep Your Promises.”
Draw a cluster of those people who you feel keep their promises.